
1.1. Databases for new data types.

Responsible: Jürgen Eils, DKFZ, Heidelberg.


This sub-project is dedicated to the enhancement of the highly successful iCHIP database. The database is installed at several clinical labs within the “CancerNet”, “NeuroNet” and “Infection/InflammationNet”, and the number of installations continues to grow. iCHIP abides by MIAME- and MAGE-standards (minimum information about a microarray experiment and microarray and gene expression markup language, respectively) of the international MGED (microarray gene expression databases) consortium. Although iCHIP was initially developed as a local decentralized data storage solution for microarray data from both oligonucleotide and cDNA chips (funded by the optimization fund of NGFN1) we aim to extend the remit of the system during the course of this project. Because of its flexible and modular construction, iCHIP is easily extensible, a factor we will capitalize upon during the implementation phase.

Planned work:

As the data deluge continues unabated, so too does the diversity of data types it contains. Requisite to the transformation of these data into meaningful knowledge is the need for intelligent, standardized and extensible data management solutions. In this subproject, we aim to utilise the iCHIP framework for the integration and association of pertinent biological data types; primarily derived from proteomics, matrix-CGH, tissue microarrays (TMA) and cellular assays in combination with RNAi technology. We will integrate these data through the development of both a uniform mask design and novel methods for querying the comprehensive heterogeneous dataset in a meaningful manner. The integration of high-quality data standards and well-defined requirements lists from molecular biologists will be key determining factors in the success of this project.

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